Agnès Varda answers Cinema '58 enquery
In Pierre Billard's article "40 less than 40" in the February 1958 issue of Cinema '58, the editors asked 11 directors to respond to 8 questions. One of those 11 was Agnès Varda. (Strangely, Marcel Camus who by virtue of having been born in 1912 was not one of the 40 was one of the 11, also.) Here are Varda's answer to that inquest.
What are the films which the most striking in your memory?
Varda: L'Age d'or, Le Vampyr (Dreyer), The White Sheik, Greed.
Who is your favorite director (French of foreign)?
Varda: Fellini
Who is the young French director from whom you expect the most?
Varda:Resnais, and I am still expecting...
Who is your favorite writer?
Varda: Faulkner - Pavese - Genet
Who is your favorite composer, painter or playwright?
Varda: Picasso - Chekhov - Ionesco
Among the different pressures of cinema (economic, social, psychological, technical, etc.), which seem to you the most constraining?
Varda: The economic one and also the psychological pressure due to the "public".
Do you have the feeling of belonging to a cinematographic generation presenting a certain cohesion? If yes, how can one try to define it?
Varda: To a generation - yes - of filmmakers difficult and a little grating - but cohesive - no.
For what reasons have you chosen a film career?
Varda: Did not choose the career, but making films seems to me more difficult than the rest, more entertaining, more tempestuous.
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