Jean-Luc Godard "Introduction à une véritable histoire du cinéma"
When, in 1977, Henri Langlois died suddenly, he left unfulfilled a commitment to lecture at the University of Montreal in Canada. Jean-Luc Godard was called in to take up the relief. Through seven "voyages" (two lectures to a "voyage"), Godard compared one of his films to other films in the history of cinema. The lectures were published in 1980 as "Introduction à une véritable histoire du cinéma". Godard left this project feeling that the history of film was best told in images and and he was lead into the "Histoire(s) du Cinema" project. That book appears to have never been translated into English. What follows is the syllabus for that course.
First journey
Fallen Angel -- Otto Preminger
A Bout de souffle -- Jean-Luc Godard
M -- Fritz Lang
Le Petit soldat -- Jean-Luc Godard
Second journey
Nana -- Jean Renoir
The Passion of Joan of Arc -- Carl Theodore Dreyer
Greed -- Eric von Stroheim
Vampyr -- Carl Theodore Dreyer
Carmen Jones -- Otto Preminger
Vivre sa vie -- Jean-Luc Godard
The Man with a Camera -- Dziga Vertov
The Bad and the Beautiful -- Vincente Minnelli
La Nuit Americaine -- François Truffaut
Le Mépris -- Jean-Luc Godard
Third journey
Faust -- F W Murnau
Rancho Notorious -- Fritz Lang
La Belle et la bête -- Jean Cocteau
L'Année dernière à Marienbad -- Alain Resnais
Alphaville -- Jean-Luc Godard
Nanook of the North -- Robert Flaherty
The Flowers of Saint Francis -- Roberto Rossellini
Persona -- Ingmar Bergman
Une Femme mariée -- Jean-Luc Godard
Fourth journey
Sunrise -- F W Murnau
You Only Live Once -- Fritz Lang
Rebel Without a Cause -- Nicholas Ray
Ugetsu Monogatari -- Kenji Mizoguchi
Pierrot le fou -- Jean-Luc Godard
Sous les toits de Paris -- René Clair
Pickpocket -- Robert Bresson
La Fille de Prague avec un sac très lourd -- Danielle Jaeggi
Masculin Féminin -- Jean-Luc Godard
Fifth journey
Les Vampires -- Louis Feuillade
Underworld -- Joseph von Sternberg
The Postman Always Rings Twice -- Tay Garnett
Made in U.S.A. -- Jean-Luc Godard
Potemkin -- Sergei Eisenstein
L'Age d'or -- Louis Bunuel-Salvador Dali
Mr Deeds Goes to Town -- Frank Capra
Le Chinoise -- Jean-Luc Godard
Sixth journey
Dracula -- Tod Browning
Germany Year Zero -- Roberto Rossellini
The Birds -- Alfred Hitchcock
Week End -- Jean-Luc Godard
Arsenal -- Alexander Dovchenko
La Règle du jeu -- Jean Renoir
Europe 51 -- Roberto Rossellini
Deux ou trois choses que je sais d'elle -- Jean-Luc Godard
Seventh Journey
Top Hat -- Mark Sandrich
Brigadoon -- Vincente Minnelli
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Rolling Stones -- Rollin Binzer
New York New York -- Martin Scorcese
One Plus One -- Jean-Luc Godard
The Last Patrol -- John Ford
Alexander Nevsky -- Sergei Eisenstein
Open City -- Roberto Rossellini
Les Carbiniers -- Jean-Luc Godard
Labels: "Histoire(s) du Cinema", "Jean-Luc Godard"
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